Case Report

A Case of Undetected Neuroborreliosis in a 75-Year-Old Chinese Male

Table 3

Cerebrospinal fluid analysis of our patient in the intensive care unit was positive for elevated total protein as well as the majority of IgG and IgM antibody fragments on Western blot.

CSF analysisResultsNormal ranges

Glucose (mg/dL)7450–80
Total protein (mg/dL)158 (high)15–45
Albumin (mg/dL)0.08
Venereal disease research lab<1 : 1<1 : 1
Lyme IgG Western blotPositiveNegative
Lyme IgG Ab 18 kDaPositiveNegative
Lyme IgG Ab 23 kDaPositiveNegative
Lyme IgG Ab 28 kDaPositiveNegative
Lyme IgG Ab 30 kDaPositiveNegative
Lyme IgG Ab 39 kDaPositiveNegative
Lyme IgG Ab 41 kDaPositiveNegative
Lyme IgG Ab 45 kDaPositiveNegative
Lyme IgG Ab 58 kDaPositiveNegative
Lyme IgG Ab 66 kDaPositiveNegative
Lyme IgG Ab 93 kDaNegativeNegative
Lyme IgM Western blotPositiveNegative
Lyme IgM Ab 23 kDaPositiveNegative
Lyme IgM Ab 39 kDaPositiveNegative
Lyme IgM Ab 41 kDaPositiveNegative
Cysticercosis Ab0.04<0.34
CMV IgG Ab<0.20Negative
HSV I and II DNA PCRNegativeNegative
Toxoplasma IgG AbNegativeNegative
Gram stainNo growthNo growth