Case Report

Pus in Spinal Needle: Diagnosis and Management of a Long-Segment Spinal Epidural Abscess

Figure 2

T2-weighted MRI of the spine from the cervical to lumbosacral region depicting a long-segment epidural abscess extending from T11-T12 to L5-S1. Size: 0.8 cm (AP diameter) × 22.5 cm (length) × 1.79 cm (width). No pre- or paravertebral abscesses were visible. (a)-(c): sagittal views. (a): short white arrow- abscess seen commencing at the T12 level and long arrow- abscess extending downwards. (b) and (c): white arrows- abscess visible at L5 segment and the abscess causing cauda equina compression at the L1 level, respectively. (d): axial view; green arrow- abscess at the L4 level.