Case Report

Atypical Manifestation of VZV Infection in a Vaccinated Immunocompetent Adult

Table 1

Physical examination findings.

GeneralThe patient was lying in a dark room with the eyes closed and was distressed due to pain
HeadAtraumatic and normocephalic
EyesAnicteric sclera, no conjunctival pallor, or injection
NeckNuchal rigidity noted
RespiratoryUnlabored, symmetric chest rise, on room air, no wheezing noted, and chest clear to auscultation bilaterally
CardiovascularTachycardic, patient in sinus rhythm, and no murmurs appreciated on auscultation
AbdomenSoft, nontender, nondistended, and no hepatosplenomegaly
NeurologicalAlert, attentive, and oriented to time; place person, and situation; cranial nerves two to twelve grossly intact; no loss of muscle bulk or tone; sensations to light touch symmetrical and intact in all extremities; strength 5/5 in all extremities, reflexes 2+ at biceps, triceps, knees, and ankles; normal gait; coordination tested by rapid alternating movements intact in all extremities
SkinWarm, dry, and no mucocutaneous rash noted