Case Report

Extracorporeal Cardiac Shock Wave Therapy Ameliorates Clinical Symptoms and Improves Regional Myocardial Blood Flow in a Patient with Severe Coronary Artery Disease and Refractory Angina

Figure 1

(a)–(e) PET imaging before (a)–(d) and after (e) 18 sessions of ultrasound-guided CSWT focused on the septal and inferior wall in this patient with chronic refractory angina and without a revascularization option. (a) Bulleye map of myocardial viability FDG PET at baseline, showing preserved viability (red). (b) Perfusion at rest as assessed with N-13-ammonia PET with quantitatively normal perfusion values. (c) Perfusion with N-13-ammonia under adenosine stress at baseline revealed severely reduced perfusion values in the anterior and anteroseptal wall, the apical half of the lateral wall and in the apex. (d) and (e) Blownup maps of stress perfusion at baseline (D=C) and followup (e) with improved stress perfusion in parts of the septum and the adjacent inferior wall.