Case Report

Truths and Lies from the Polysomnography ECG Recording: An Electrophysiologist Perspective

Figure 2

(a) 25 seconds snap shot from sleep study in patient number 2 during wakefulness. White arrows show the beats that were initially reported as non-conducted P-waves. Upper channels (C3-A1) (01-A1): electroencephalogram; third and fourth channel (L-EOG-A1) (R-EOG-A1): oculogram; fifth channel (EMG1) (EMG2): electromyogram; sixth channel (EKG1) (EKG2): electrocardiogram; seventh channel (SaO2): oxygen saturation; eighth channel (LEG1) (LEG2): leg movement; ninth channel: airflow; tenth channel: chest movement; eleventh channel: abdomen movement. (Panel (b)) Amplification of the area under the highlighted rectangle in panel (a). White arrows show the PVCs followed by a post-extrasystolic pause. (Panel (c)) 12-lead ECG shows right bundle branch block. White arrows show PVCs arising probably from the left outflow tract.