Case Report

Single Coronary Artery with Anomalous Rising of the Right Coronary Artery: A Rare Coronary Anomaly Diagnosed by 256-Multidetector Computed Tomography

Figure 2

With coronary computed tomography, the presence of an anomalous RCA originating from the mid-LAD and coursing anterior of the aorta and the pulmonary trunk could be unambiguously illustrated. Volume rendering acquisitions (a)-(b) and multiplanar reconstructions (c) demonstrate the exact anatomical course of the anomalous vessel (black arrowheads in (a) and white arrowheads in (b) & (c)). (a) Overview of coronary vessel course in relation to the great arterial vessels aorta and pulmonary trunk; (b) coronary Tree; (c) axial maximum intensity projection. Ao indicates Aorta; LA: left atrium, RV: right ventricle, and PT: pulmonary trunk.