Case Report

Evidence of Acute Mycoplasma Infection in a Patient with Incomplete and Atypical Kawasaki Disease: A Case Report

Table 1

First hospital admission inpatient course.

Day −3Day 0Day 1Day 4Day 6Day 9
Symptoms/signsVomiting, ST*1, fever, malaiseFever/rashFever/rashAfebrileFeverAfebrile/DC*7

WBC count, ×103 cells/μL7.710.49.316.8
Hemoglobin, g/dL12.212.410.48.9
Platelet count, ×103 platelets/μL147243256398
ESR, mm/h6414592
CRP, mg/dL14.
Mycoplasma IgMPositive
OtherRST Neg*2/MST Neg*3Albumin 2.5Bld cx-neg*4Bld cx-neg
EchoDilatation of RCA*5New ectasia
TreatmentTylenolAzithromycinIVIG and ASA*62nd IVIG/ASAPrednisone/ASAASA and prednisone tapering

*1sore throat/*2rapid strept test negative/*3mononucleosis spot test negative/*4blood culture negative/*5right coronary artery/*6aspirin/*7discharge.