Case Report

Trial of Zolpidem, Eszopiclone, and Other GABA Agonists in a Patient with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy

Table 2

Impressions and effects of medication trials.

Trial dayName of medicationDoseEffects (comments)MMSEPSP

0Alprazolam3 mgNo improvements, some sedation.
1Zolpidem CR12.5 mgExcellent. Good speech, strong desire to converse.58
3Eszopiclone3 mgSpeech improved, though not as much as on zolpidem. Double vision markedly improved. Effects extinguished more quickly than zolpidem.27
4No medications23
6Zolpidem CR2 × 6.25 mgBest day. Good speech.28
8Tizanidine4 mgNone.2761
10Temazapam7.5 mgSpeech improved slightly. Effects diminished quickly (1.5 hrs) and patient experienced sedation.28
11No medications25
12Zolpidem CR12.5 mgSpeech improved for five hours.
14Flurazepam30 mgSpeech improved slightly, but effects diminished quickly and patient experienced confusion.27/27
(Scored out of 27)
15No medications2562
17Triazolam0.25 mgSpeech improved slightly. Effects diminished quickly and patient experienced some sedation.27

Table describing the patient’s response to the various medications. MMSE: Folstein’s minimental status exam, scored out of 28 points; higher score denotes higher cognitive function. PSP: progressive supranuclear palsy rating scale (Foundation for PSP, CBD and Related Brain Disease), scored out of 100 points; lower score denotes better symptoms and higher functional status.