Case Report

Takotsubo’s Cardiomyopathy in a Patient with Kartagener’s Syndrome

Table 1

Showing percentage of Takotsubo’s patients with LV thrombi and the number of embolic events resulting from each thrombus.

StudyNumber of LV thrombi in patients with Takotsubo’sNumber of embolic events in patients with LV thrombi

de Gregorio et al. (2008) [25]15/600 (2.5%)a3/5 (60%)
Mitsuma et al. (2010) [27]3/21 (14%)2/3 (66%)
Haghi et al. (2008) [26]4/52 (8%)0/4 (0%)b

Percentage reported in article. Total Takotsubo’s cases (600) were derived from that percentage.
bDocumented use of anticoagulants prevented embolic phenomena.