Case Report

Quinine-Induced Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation

Table 1

Lab results on admission and most deranged value at discharge and six weeks after discharge.

Laboratory test (ref range & units)On admissionMost deranged value during admissionAt dischargeAt 6 weeks after discharge

White blood cells (4.0–10.8 K/UL)2.1 × 109 cells/L2.1 × 109 cells/L6.3 × 109 cells/L6.1 × 109 cells/L

Haemoglobin (12.0–16.0 G/DL)15.8 gm/dL11.2 gm/dL11.9 gm/dL13.0 gm/dL

Platelets (130–430 K/UL)233 × 109 cells/L8.1 × 109 cells/L130 × 109 cells/L268 × 109 cells/L

Neutrophil (36–75%)35%35%58%58%

Lymphocyte (20–50%)34%2%32%30%

Blood urea nitrogen (6–20 MG/DL)21 mg/dL21 mg/dL8 mg/dL14 mg/dL

Creatinine (0.5–1.1 MG/DL)1.2 mg/dL1.0 mg/dL1.0 mg/dL1.0 mg/dL

Prothrombin time (PT) (12.0–14.7 seconds)19.4 seconds25.5 seconds14.3 seconds12.9 seconds

International normalized ratio (INR) (<4.0)1.682.381.330.99

Partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) (23.3–35.7 seconds)49.9 seconds76.5 seconds25.6 seconds27.7 seconds

D-dimer level (0–499 NG/ML)>10,000.00 ng/dL

Fibrinogen (193–473 MG)69 mg69 mg291 mg359 mg

Lactate dehydrogenase (100–225 U/L)584 U/L145 U/L

Haptoglobin (16–200 MG/DL)5.8 mg/dL

Reticulocytes (0.5–2.0%)3.88%