Case Report

Recurrent Syncope, a Clue in Amyloid Cardiomyopathy

Table 1

Type of amyloidosisAmyloid compositionOrgans involvedSymptomsPrognosisOther

AL amyloidosisImmunoglobulin-derived light chainKidneys > heart, gastrointestinal tract, nervous systemLeft and right heart failure, syncope, and autonomic neuropathyMedian survival 8–12 monthsPlasma cell dyscrasia, requires treatment
ATTR-mt (familial)Mutant transthyretinHeart and nervous systemHeart failure can be severe, ±neuropathyVaries depending on mutation, but favorable compared to ALAutosomal dominant
ATTR-wtWild-type transthyretinHeartLess severe heart failure than AL or ATTRm75 months90% are men > 60 years old

AL = amyloid light chain; ATTR-mt = mutant transthyretin amyloidosis; ATTR-wt = wild-type transthyretin amyloidosis.