Case Report

Clozapine-Induced Cardiotoxicity Presenting as Sepsis: A Case Report and Literature Review

Table 1

Common symptoms associated with clozapine myocarditis [3].

More commonLess common

Flu-like symptoms such as fever, myalgia, dizziness or faintness, arthralgia, nasal congestion, and sensations of “scratchy throat”Dysuria
Fatigue or decreased exercise toleranceLeft shoulder pain on inspiration
Respiratory symptoms such as dyspnea, cough, subjective sensation of chest discomfort, and orthopneaRash
Cardiovascular symptoms such as persistent resting tachycardia, increased heart rate, palpitations, chest pain, syncope, arrhythmia, and hypotensionCyanosis
Acute mental status change and deliriumSeizures
Peripheral edema
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea