Case Report

Lipin-1 Deficiency-Associated Recurrent Rhabdomyolysis and Exercise-Induced Myalgia Persisting into Adulthood: A Case Report and Review of Literature

Table 1

General biochemical investigations done during acute episodes and when symptom free.

Test5th attack7th attack8th attackBaselineUnit

Serum Na+124 (135–145)130.2 (135–145)139.3 (135–145)139 (130–145)mmol/L
Serum K+5.2 (3.5–5.3)4.5 (3.5–5.3)4.3 (3.5–5.3)4.2 (3.5–5.3)mmol/L
White blood cell count25.7 (4–11)15.9 (4–11)Not recorded13.9 (4–11)/
Neutrophil%91% (40–60%)81% (40–60%)Not recorded80.1% (40–60%)%
Lymphocyte%9% (20–40%)19% (20–40%)Not recorded12.9% (20–40%)%
sCK>20000 (34–145)Not recorded>5000 (34–145)224 (34–145)U/L
Serum CK(MB)Not recordedNot recorded273 (<25)Not doneU/L
Serum LDH14850 (180–360)Not recordedNot recordedNot doneU/L
Serum SGOT>1000 (0–40)415 (0–40)Not recorded25 (0–40)U/L
Serum SGPT>1000 (9–48)77 (9–48)Not recorded82 (9–48)U/L
Serum bilirubin (total)10.26 (3–20)5.13 (3–20)Not recorded15 (3–20)μmol/L

Reference intervals are given in parenthesis.