Case Report

An Unusual Initial Presentation of Lupus Nephritis as a Renal Mass

Table 1

Investigation results at time of partial nephrectomy specimen and subsequent kidney biopsy after 12 months of clinical follow-up.

Partial nephrectomyBiopsy

Serum creatinine60 μmol/L61 μmol/L
Microscopic hematuria3–5 red blood cells per field3–5 red blood cells per field
Urinary albumin/creatinine ratio 7.6 mg/mmol10 mg/mmol
ANA titer<1 : 80<1 : 80
Anti-DNA424 × 103 IU/L<55 × 103 IU/L
Anti-SSA/Rho 10.4 IU/L
Anti-SSB/La 15.9 IU/L
C3 complement 1.22 g/L1.08 g/L
C4 complement0.15 g/L0.19 g/L
Serum IgG28.7 g/L
IgG4 subclass0.6 g/L