Case Report

Heading Disorientation after Right Posteromedial Infarction

Table 1

Neuropsychological test results in the present case.

General cognition ability
MMSE (/30)28
 Total IQ105
 Verbal IQ111
 Performance IQ97
 Verbal comprehension111
 Sensory integration97
 Working memory109
 Processing speed94
Wechsler Memory Scale-R
 Verbal memory100
 Visual memory82
 General memory94
 Delayed recall85
 Standard profile (/24)19
 Screening profile (/12)9
Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test
 Copy (/36)36
 Immediate (/36)18
 Delayed recall (/36)18
Visual function
Visual Perception Test for Agnosia (VPTA)
 Basic visual function (/36)1
 Object/figure cognition (/26)0
 Facial cognition (/68)1
 Colour cognition (/78)0
 Symbol cognition (/74)0
 Visuospatial cognition and its manipulation (/228)0
 Topographical orientation
  Daily life (/6)4
  Autobiographical topographical knowledge (/4)0
  Allocation of prefectures and landmarks on 0
  a map of Japanese islands (/16)
Map drawing
Mapping his familiar placePreserved
Mapping his new environmentDisturbed
Allocating landmarks of the patient’s hometown
on a map

MMSE: Mini-Mental State Examination; RBMT: Rivermead Behavioral Memory Test. On VPTA, if there is a mistake or failure in performance, each of them will be scored 1 or 2 points according to the criteria; 0 means that there is no disturbance.