Case Report

Extraspinal Type I Dural Arteriovenous Fistula with a Lumbosacral Lipomyelomeningocele: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Table 1

Adult cases of combined dural arteriovenous fistula and dorsal myeloschisis.

Author (year)Sex/age (years)Combined lesions

Rice and Jelsma (1986) [9]F/23AVM and lipoma
Djindjian et al. (1989) [6]M/53DAVF and lipoma
Chatkupt et al. (1993) [4]F/20AVM and myelomeningocele
König et al. (1999) [7]M/50DAVF and lipomyelomeningocele
Lee et al. (2000) [8]M/44AVM and lipomyelomeningocele
Weon et al. (2005) [10]M/30AVM and lipomyelomeningocele
Erdogan et al. (2007) [5]M/40DAVF and lipomyelomeningocele
This paperF/58DAVF and lipomyelomeningocele

AVM: arteriovenous malformation; DAVF: dural arteriovenous fistula.