Case Report

Reversible Akinetic Mutism after Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Haemorrhage in the Territory of the Anterior Cerebral Artery without Permanent Ischaemic Damage to Anterior Cingulate Gyri

Figure 3

Admission CT scanner work-up of patient 2. (a) Unenhanced axial transverse view through the corpus callosum showing ovoid-shaped hematoma within the mid-posterior area of the body of the corpus (white arrow), anterior interfrontal SAH, and massive haemorrhagic contamination of the whole ventricular system (black arrows). (b) Unenhanced axial transverse view tangent through the cranial aspect of the corpus callosum showing subpial fresh hematoma (arrows). (c) Unenhanced mid-sagittal reformatted view showing filling of the ventricular system by acute hyperintense blood, transgression of the posterior part of the body of the corpus callosum by fresh blood (black arrow), and subpial fresh hematoma at the upper border of the corpus callosum (white arrow). (d) Contrast-enhanced mid-sagittal reformatted view showing the causative RIA of the left ACA (arrowhead) and the subpial hematoma (arrows) on the cranial aspect of the corpus callosum (asterisks). Again, artifactual lowering of the apparent density of the hematoma because of changes in image scaling (window/level) after contrast agent injection (similarly as seen on Figure 1(d)).