Case Report

A Case Report of Neurosarcoidosis Presenting as a Lymphoma Mimic

Figure 1

Head CT revealing a lacrimal gland mass (a). Lacrimal gland mass on initial Axial FLAIR (b). Restricted diffusion in the lacrimal glass mass (c and d). Repeat MRI after initiation of prednisone revealing decreased size of lacrimal lesion (e). Hypermetabolic foci corresponding to lymph nodes in bilateral neck, axillary regions, chest, pelvis, and inguinal regions on whole-body PET/CT (f). Prominent hypermetabolic lesion in the right lateral orbit before prednisone (g). No evidence of hypermetabolic lesions or regional hypometabolism within the brain on PET/MRI 5 months after prednisone and infliximab (h).