Case Report

A Patient with Eight Intracranial Aneurysms: Endovascular Treatment in Two Sessions

Table 1

Aneurysm locations, characteristics, and treatment techniques.

Aneu. no.LocationTypeSize/neck (mm)TreatmentStentsTreat. session

1Lacerum segment of left ICASaccular3 × 4/4FDSurpass 4 × 301st
2Cavernous segment of left ICAFusiform11 × 6FDSurpass 4 × 201st
3Left AChorASaccular3 × 3/2Coil1st
4Bifurcation of left middle cerebral arterySaccular6 × 4/4Stent and coilLeoBaby 2.5 × 251st
6AComAFusiform4 × 5.5Stent and coilLeoBaby 2.5 × 251st
5Basilar tipSaccular10 × 10/6Y stenting and coilNeuroform EZ 3 × 30 and Enterprise 4.5 × 222nd
7Ophthalmic segment of right ICASaccular8 × 8/2.5FD and coilSurpass 4 × 202nd
8Ophthalmic segment of right ICABlood blister2.5 × 2.5FDSurpass 4 × 202nd

AComA: anterior communicating artery, Aneu: aneurysm, AChorA: anterior choroidal artery, FD: flow diverter, ICA: internal carotid artery, and treat: treatment.