Case Report

A Case of Dysgraphia after Cerebellar Infarction Where Functional NIRS Guided the Task Aimed at Activating the Hypoperfused Region

Figure 4

(a) Fusion map (lower photo) was comprised of left lateral side view of SPECT (upper left) and the patient’s head photo in the fiber cap-type holder (upper right). The measurements were obtained from areas on both sides of the prefrontal and temporooccipital cortex (upper right). No. 10 and No. 13 channels (in a yellow circle) were considered to be receiving signals from the region of interest that corresponded to the hypoperfused area in the left posterior middle temporal gyrus. (b) Schematic figure of numbered channel arrangements that was indicated between the light detector (blue circle) and light source (red circle) on the left temporooccipital gyrus on fNIRS. (c) The procedure of tasks. The patient was instructed to empty his mind without movement for 20 sec, and then the operator prompted the patient to start a task. After a 20 sec task period, the patient was ordered to relax for another 20 sec: 5 cycles of 20 sec of rest, 20 sec of task, and 20 sec of rest were performed for averaging. For example, for the 5 times’ task, we showed the patient the picture of curry, miso soup, ramen, a combination meal of rice and hamburger steak, and sukiyaki, respectively. R: rest period.