Case Report

Spontaneous Heterotopic Pregnancy, Simultaneous Ovarian, and Intrauterine: A Case Report

Table 1

Clinicopathologic characteristics of previously spontaneous OEP.

ā€‰ Milnor and Bowles 1940 [10] Rannels 1953 [11] Mulla and Johns 1958 [12] Eyton-Jones 1968 [13] Kuhl et al. 1995 [7]Current case 2011


Symptoms and signs
Nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, and dyspneaIrregular vaginal bleeding and severe low abdominal painLower abdominal painContinuous pain in the epigastric and umbilical regions, nausea; vaginal bleedingAbdominal pain, tenderness, loss of weight and vomitingLower abdominal-pelvic pain, mild tenderness at the left lower abdomen, vaginal bleeding

USG followup////IUP intact; a large mass originating from the left ovary, small amounts of free fluid were also seen IUP intact, a left ovaric mass suggestive of EP, free fluid in the pelvis

Implantation siteRight ovaryLeft ovaryRight ovaryRight ovaryLeft ovaryLeft ovary

SurgeryLaparotomic surgery: right salpingo-oophorectomy
Laparotomic surgery: left salpingo-oophorectomy
Laparotomic surgery: right salpingo-oophorectomyLaparotomic surgery: removal of the right tube and ovaryLaparotomic surgery: removal of a large hematoma from the left ovary to the sigmoid colonLaparoscopic surgery: ovaric gestational sac was enucleated with ovarian preservation

PathologyChorionic villi covered by decidua cellsThe microscopic diagnosis: ectopic, ovarian pregnancyNecrotic material of chorionic villi and a few viable decidual endometrial cellsNot specificatedBlood clot surrounded by placental (trophoblast) tissue originating from ovarian stromaChorionic villi with ovarian tissue