Case Report

Successful Laparoscopic Resection of 7 mm Ovarian Mature Cystic Teratoma Associated with Anti-NMDAR Encephalitis

Figure 3

Pathological findings in the partially resected right ovary. (a) Gross appearance of the partially resected right ovary. There is a mature cystic teratoma in the ovary, measuring 5 by 7 mm. The open arrow indicates hair, and the closed arrow indicates fat. ((b), (c)) Low-power views of the histologic section of the mature cystic teratoma. The open arrow indicates hair, and the closed arrow indicates fat. The area circled by broken lines indicates brain tissue in the mature cystic teratoma ((b) H.E., ×1; (c) H.E., ×10). (d) High-power view of the mature cystic teratoma showing brain tissue. The open arrow head indicates a central canal-like structure (H.E., ×100).