Case Report

Estimating the Radiation Dose to the Fetus in Prophylactic Internal Iliac Artery Balloon Occlusion: Three Cases

Table 4

Case series.

CaseParityPrevious CSSurgical procedureAnesthesiaBalloon inflatedEBL (mL)Blood transfusionICUBaby, sex, and weightApgar score

1G2P00El CS
at 37 wks
GAYes8304 units ABNoFemale, 2788 g2/7

2G0P00Emg CS
at 32 wks
GAYes1315NoneYesFemale, 2046 g3/4

3G2P20El CS
at 37 wks
CSEYes15006 units ABNoFemale, 2745 g5/7

G, gravida: P, para: EL CS, elective cesarean section: Emg CS, emergency cesarean section: GA, general anesthesia: CSE, combined spiral-epidural anesthesia: AB, autologous blood.