Case Report

Estimating the Radiation Dose to the Fetus in Prophylactic Internal Iliac Artery Balloon Occlusion: Three Cases

Table 5

Estimated fetal radiation dose in our patients.

Patient numberFluoroscopy (mGy/min × min)DSA (mGy/f × times)Subtotal (mGy)Total (mGy)

13.6 × 5.2 = 18.7 0.5 × 2 = 1.019.7
3.4 × 3.5 = 11.911.931.6

22.0 × 5.4 = 10.82.4 × 3 =

32.0 × 5.32 = 10.641.4 × 4 = 2.2412.8812.88

Angiography suite. Operating suite.