Case Report

A Diagnostic Dilemma of Recurrent Disseminated Peritoneal Leiomyomatosis with Hypertrophied Omental Vessels: Imaging and Embolization of Omental Branches with Positive Outcome

Figure 1

CT angiography. Axial section through right hypochondrium showed a well-defined oval shaped enhancing mass lesion along the peritoneal surface (a); axial section through the lower abdomen revealed few round well-defined homogenously enhancing soft tissue lesions in the mesentery (red circle in (b) and (c)) and yellow arrow shows a postsurgical changes in the uterus (b); volume rendering image of the right hypochondrium (d) shows the blood supply from right 10th intercoastal artery (thin arrow) and from the branch of right internal mammary artery (curved arrow). Thick arrow represents the mass lesion.