Case Report

A Diagnostic Dilemma of Recurrent Disseminated Peritoneal Leiomyomatosis with Hypertrophied Omental Vessels: Imaging and Embolization of Omental Branches with Positive Outcome

Figure 2

MRI of lower abdomen. Axial (a), coronal (b), and sagittal (c) sections of T2WI through the lower abdomen revealed a large heterogeneous pelvic-abdominal mass lesion in relation to the uterus. The mass appears to be inseparable from the adjacent mesentery and omentum. A tortuous vascular pedicle is also seen in the coronal section (b). Axial section of SWI sequence through the mass lesion showed areas of blooming suggestive of intralesional hemorrhagic foci (d). The mass lesion shows extensive enhancement after administration of gadolinium contrast (e).