Case Report

Synchronous Choriocarcinoma and Epithelioid Trophoblastic Tumor Concurring at the Cesarean Scar: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Figure 3

Histological feature of the third time abdominal wall tumor resection. Histologically, the tumor infiltrated adipose and fibrous tissue, and was surrounded by necrosis in the abdominal wall (a and b, H&E ;×10). Scant syncytiotrophoblasts were immunoreactive to sall-4 (i ×40). The tumor cells were positive for E-Ca (c ×40), EGFR(d ×40). Moreover, EMA (e ×40) and HCG (f ×40) were both positive, and the cells were negative to HPL (g ×40) and PLAP (h ×40).