Case Report

A Case of Monochorionic-Triamniotic Triplet Pregnancy with TRAP Sequence Successfully Treated with Radiofrequency Ablation with a Parallel Circuit Consisting of Anastomosed Blood Vessels between the Direct Pump Fetus and the Indirect Pump Fetus

Figure 2

Photograph of the placental vascular surface. The black arrow indicates the anastomoses between the acardiac fetus and the direct pump fetus. The white arrow indicates the anastomoses between the direct pump fetus and the indirect pump fetus. ① is the anastomoses between the umbilical artery of the direct pump fetus and the umbilical artery of the indirect pump fetus. ② is the anastomoses between the umbilical vein of the direct pump fetus and the two umbilical veins of the indirect pump fetus. The gray arrow indicates the direction of blood flow in the vascular anastomoses.