Case Report

Uterine Carcinosarcoma: A Case Report and Literature Review

Figure 3

Lateral right elbow radiograph (a) shows a lytic lesion within the proximal ulna with permeative or moth-eaten appearance and wide zone of transition, suggestive of an aggressive lesion. Sagittal noncontrast T1-weighted (b), fluid-sensitive (c), and postcontrast (d) MRI images demonstrate an infiltrative mass centered within the proximal ulna (solid arrows, (b–d)) with soft tissue invasion (dotted arrow, (c, d)). There is replaced normal bone marrow signal (b), increased T2 signal (c), and postcontrast enhancement (d). The adjacent muscle demonstrates increased signal on the fluid-sensitive image (dashed arrow, (c)) with mild enhancement (dashed arrow, (d)), due to soft tissue invasion.