Case Report

MRI and FDG PET/CT Findings for Borderline Brenner Tumor of the Ovary: A Case Report and Literature Review

Figure 3

Pathology findings for the borderline Brenner tumor. (a) Macroscopically, the solid mass is hard and yellow-tan (arrow) in color and is accompanied by the papillary tumor (curved arrow). (b) A low-power microscopic examination of the solid mass with a low signal intensity in T2WIs demonstrates solid islands of epithelial cell nests in the fibrous stroma with hyalinization and calcification, indicating a benign Brenner tumor. (c) A low-power microscopic examination of the papillary tumor shows mucinous columnar epithelium and transitional epithelial cells without invasion. (d) A higher power image of the papillary tumor shows transitional epithelial cells that have longitudinal grooving with mild nuclear atypia, indicating a borderline Brenner tumor.