Case Report

Choroidal Metastasis from Follicular Cell Thyroid Carcinoma Masquerading as Circumscribed Choroidal Haemangioma

Table 1

Previously reported cases of choroidal metastases secondary to follicular cell thyroid cancer (FTC).

ReferenceAge, sexPresentationFundus Location of concurrent metastasesTime from initial diagnosisTreatment

Ritland et al. [11]80, fLateral visual field lossOrange brown tumour nasallyLung, bone, and mediastinum40 yrs 131I
Scott et al. [9]50, mBlurred vision metamorphopsia5.6 mm in elevation 12.9 × 11Lung and bone5 yrsRTx, chemotherapy, and bevacizumab
Slamovits et al. [12]64, fDyschromatopsia, total retinal detachment following vitreous haemorrhagePink mass, radioactive iodine accumulationParatracheal, bone, and lung7 yrsRTx
Arat and Boniuk [10]83, mBilateral progressive loss of visionIris and bilateral choroidal lesions. Right eye: 2 orange-coloured lesions. Left eye: large reddish vascular lesion with subretinal haemLung, bone, liver, and skinInitial presentation 131I
Seneviratne et al. [8]74, fAsymptomaticLarge yellow lesion in peripheryLung, bone, and abdominal wall22 yrsRTx
Guignier et al. [7]75, mDecline in visual acuity Amelanotic lesion with serous detachmentN/AN/ARTx

vf: visual field, RTx: radiotherapy.