Case Report

Smooth Muscle Tumor Originating in the Pleura: A Case Report and Updated Literature Review

Table 3

Immunohistochemical pattern in pleural spindle cell neoplasms [6].


Smooth muscle tumor++++++/−
Solitary fibrous tumor+−/+−/+−/++++
Metastatic spindle cell carcinoma+/−+
Synovial sarcoma+++/−+/−
Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor+−/+−/+
Sarcomatous mesothelioma+−/+−/+−/+−/++
Spindle cell thymoma−/++

SMA: smooth muscle actin; HHF-35: actin muscle specific; SMMHC, smooth muscle myosin-heavy chain; +, positive staining; +/−, usually positive; −/+, rarely positive; and −, negative.