Case Report

Surgical Management of Pilocytic Astrocytoma of the Optic Nerve: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Table 1

Selected CNS gliomas. Comparison of basic histopathologic findings and immunostaining characteristics.

Selected CNS tumorWHO gradeHistopathologyMIB-1/Ki-67 LIp53

Pilocytic astrocytomaIBiphasic piloid and spongy glial cell regions<10%<5%
Diffuse astrocytomaII+ Diffuse infiltration and cytoplasmic atypia<10%<5%
Anaplastic astrocytomaIII+ Anaplasia and high mitotic activity>10%>5%
GlioblastomaIV+ Microvascular proliferation and/or necrosis>10%>5%
GangliogliomaIUniform, monomorphic glial cell and ganglion cell components, diffuse infiltration, and rare mitosises<5%<5%
Anaplastic gangliogliomaIII+ Anaplasia, increased mitotic activity, vascular proliferation, and necrosis>5%>5%

Immunostaining characteristics are general guidelines and must be utilised in conjunction with histopathologic features.