Case Report

Rapid Onset of B12 Deficiency in the Setting of Worsening Multiple Myeloma: Correlations between B12 Deficiency and Multiple Myeloma

Table 1

Displaying the trend of B12 levels, CBC, and paraprotein levels.

Laboratory testTime of presentationThree months before24 months before

B12 levels (211–946 pg/mL)94631.5 pg/ml751 pg/ml
WCC (4.5–11 × 103/uL)2.54.674.5
Hb (12–16 g/dL)611.711.1
Platelet (140–440 thou/cu mm)7142143
Intrinsic factor antibody (0–1.1 AU/mL)11.9
Monoclonal spike (0.7–1.60 g/dL)