Case Report

Successful Use of a Multidisciplinary Approach to Treat a Perforated Duodenal Malignant Lymphoma in an Elderly Patient

Table 1

Cases of perforated duodenal lymphoma reported in Japan.

NumberReferenceAge/sexSites of duodenumLymphoma typeTime of perforationSurgeryChemotherapyRadiotherapyPrognosisCause(s) of death

1[22]65/M1stDLBCLAt presentationPancreaticoduodenectomyCHOPAlive 9+ months
2[23]61/M4thT-cell lymphomaAfter two cycles of SMILEArgon plasma coagulationEtoposide+ CHOP SMILEUnknown
3[24]82/M4thT-cell lymphomaAfter 6 cycles of CHOPPartial resectionCHOP12 monthsAbdominal abscess
4[25]70/F2ndDLBCLAt presentationSimple closure, peritoneal patchR-CHOP+Alive 304 daysSepsis
5Our case75/F3rdDLBCLDay 21 after surgery, before chemotherapyGastrojejunostomyR R-mini CHP R-CHP R-CHOP+Alive 4+ years

DLBCL = diffuse large B cell lymphoma; R-CHOP = rituximab (R), cyclophosphamide (C), doxorubicin (H), vincristine (O), prednisolone (P); CHP = cyclophosphamide (C), doxorubicin (H), prednisolone (P); SMILE = steroid (S), methotrexate (M), ifosfamide (I), L-asparaginase (L), etoposide (E).