Case Report

Sinusoidal Obstruction Syndrome (SOS) in Multiple Myeloma with Renal Failure

Table 2

Well-known risk factors for SOS (adapted from [1, 3]).

Transplant-related factors
Unrelated donor
HLA-mismatched donor
Non-T-cell-depleted transplant
Myeloablative-conditioning regimen
Oral or high-dose busulfan-based regimen
High-dose total body irradiation-based regimen
Second HSCT
GVHD prophylaxis regimen
Patient and disease-related factors
Older age
Karnofsky score below 90%
Metabolic syndrome
Female receiving norethisterone
Advanced disease (beyond second CR or relapse/refractory)
Genetic factors (GSTM1 polymorphism, C282Y allele, MTHFR 677CC/1298CC haplotype)
Infection/antibiotic/antiviral use (vancomycin, acyclovir)
Renal dysfunction due to impaired drug clearance
Hepatic related
Elevated liver function tests
Active viral hepatitis
Abdominal or hepatic irradiation
Previous use of gemtuzumab ozogamicin or inotuzumab ozogamicin
Hepatotoxic drugs
Iron overload