Case Report

Annexin A2 Expression in Aerogenous Metastasis of Pulmonary Invasive Mucinous Adenocarcinoma: A Case Report including Immunohistochemical Analysis

Figure 4

Aerogenous metastasis of left lung cancer I. (a) Many isolated lesions are seen. H&E stain, ×40. (b) Small tumor cell aggregates are attached to alveolar epithelial cells, forming a protrusion. Some of the alveolar epithelial cells have an obscure nucleus and are detached within the alveolar spaces. H&E stain, ×400. (c) Tumor cell aggregates represent the immunopositivity near the cell surface with granular cytoplasmic positivity. Alveolar epithelial cells also show a weak positivity near the cell surface. Annexin A2 immunostain, ×400. (d) Alveolar epithelial cells are positive. The arrangement of these cells is well kept; however, some show weakened immunopositivity. TTF-1 immunostain, ×400.