Case Report

Annexin A2 Expression in the Aerogenous Spread of Pulmonary Invasive Mucinous Adenocarcinoma with Gastric Lineage

Figure 3

Left lung cancer II. (a) Small groups of tumor cells that detached from the alveolar wall. Only a slight inflammatory cell infiltration is visible. H&E stain, scale bar: 200 μm. (b) Detached tumor cells with a micropapillary pattern float within the alveolar spaces. H&E stain, scale bar: 200 μm. (c) The invasive component exhibits glandular or papillary growth. H&E stain, scale bar: 1 mm. (d) Many scattered tumor cell aggregates that detached from the primary tumor are visible within the air spaces and on the alveolar wall. The latter aggregates exhibit lepidic or papillary growth that is suggestive of microscopic aerogenous metastases. H&E stain, scale bar: 2 mm.