Case Report

Annexin A2 Expression in the Aerogenous Spread of Pulmonary Invasive Mucinous Adenocarcinoma with Gastric Lineage

Figure 6

Floating tumor cells (a) and invasive components (b and c) of the left lung tumor. (a) No distinct ANX A2 positivity is visible in the floating tumor cells within alveolar spaces. ANX A2 immunostain, scale bar: 100 μm. (b) Stronger cytoplasmic ANX A2 positivity is observed on the basal side, and positive staining is visible at the cell–cell borders. ANX A2 immunostain, scale bar: 200 μm. (c) The desmoplastic stroma exhibits positive collagen IV staining, particularly around the tumor cells. Collagen IV immunostain, scale bar: 1 mm.