Case Report

Synchronous Occurrence of Splenic Pleomorphic Mantle Cell Lymphoma and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma with Overexpression of BCL1 Protein

Figure 2

BCL1 FISH for splenic pleomorphic mantle cell lymphoma and esophageal adenocarcinoma. (a) The splenic mantle cell lymphoma shows red and green break-apart signals in 41% of cells by LSI BCL1 dual-color FISH probes (400x). (b) The lymphoma reveals BCL1/IGH dual-fusion signals in 65% of tumor cell nuclei with CCND1 and IGH gene copy numbers at 2 to 4 copies per cell (400x). (c) Esophageal adenocarcinoma exhibits no BCL1/CCND1 gene rearrangement in all the interphase tumor cells analyzed. However, aneuploidy with the single gene copy number of BCL1/CCND1 is observed in 24% of cells scored (400x).