Case Report

Metastatic Syringocystadenocarcinoma Papilliferum: A Case Report, Tumor Genomic Profiling, and Literature Review

Figure 1

Radiologic and histologic appearance of syringocystadenocarcinoma papilliferum. (a) (I) Magnetic resonance imaging showing soft tissue mass in the thoracic spine. (II) Axial computed tomography (CT) scan showing tumor invasion into the vertebrae at T4 level. (III) Axial CT scan showing tumor invasion into the vertebrae at T2 level and enlarged right axillary lymph node. (b) (I) Lymph node with metastatic tumor, H&E stain, 40x. (II) Solid and glandular structures with warty architecture, lined by poorly-differentiated epithelium, H&E stain, 100x. (III) Clusters and nests of highly pleomorphic cells with bizarre irregular nuclei and permanent nucleoli, entrapped in fibrotic stroma, consistent with carcinoma, H&E stain, 400x. (IV) Metastatic carcinoma cells are highlighted by immune-stain (right lower corner); residual uninvolved lymph node shows no immunopositivity (left upper corner), wide spectrum cytokeratin immunostain, 100x.