Case Report

Pigmented Free-Floating Posterior Vitreous Cyst

Figure 1

Ophthalmoscopy of the left eye shows a normal macula and a pigmented, oval-shaped cyst floating in the vitreous cavity and covering retinal vessels (a). The free-floating cyst was translucent, with a smooth brown-pigmented surface, and it was in the posterior vitreous (b). An oval-spherical hypoechogenic mass with thin hyper-reflective edges, with a 2.6-mm maximal diameter, was detected by real-time B-scan ultrasound of the left eye. The cyst was mobile in the posterior vitreous (c). Axial ultrasound with color Doppler showed no remnants of the hyaloid artery and no vessels in the vitreous of either of the globes, nor within the cyst (d).