Case Series

En Face Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging Ellipsoid Zone Regeneration in Laser-Induced and Solar Maculopathies

Figure 5

Fundus photography, B‐scan, and en face OCT images of a patient with solar maculopathy. (a) Fundus photography on day 3 after the accident shows central pigment alterations in both eyes of patient 4. (b) B‐scan OCT images through the fovea show disruption of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and the ellipsoid zone (EZ) as well as a hyperreflective band reaching from the outer nuclear layer to the outer plexiform layer (whereas the external limiting membrane (ELM) seemed to be intact) in both eyes on day 3, diminishing in the follow-up images (days 10, 52 and 115), while presenting hyperreflective granular appearances at the level of the EZ. Last follow-up 452 days after the incidence showed a smaller, clearly delineated EZ alteration with persistent hyperreflective granular appearances boarded by intact ELM and RPE layers. (c) En face OCT at the level of the EZ on day 3 shows a hyporeflective defect surrounded by a hyperreflective ring in both eyes. On day 10, the hyporeflective defect expands to the region where the hyperreflective ring was seen and a central defect with granular appearances comes to light. Follow ups on days 52 and 115 show a regression of the granular appearing central defect. Last follow-up 452 days after the incidence shows a smaller, clearly delineated EZ loss suggesting a partial, centripetal regeneration of the EZ alteration over time in both eyes.