Case Report

Giant Squamous Cell Papilloma of the Eyelid—Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenges

Figure 3

Histopathological features. (a) Hyperkeratotic epidermis and endophytic epithelial growth into the dermis with squamous pearl (arrow). There is only mild cytological atypia with intact basement membrane and no increased mitotic activity indicative of the benign nature of the lesion (inset). (b) Diffuse p16 immunopositivity both in the nucleus and in the cytoplasm (see inset) confirms HPV infection. Note the immunonegativity in the adjacent epidermis. (a: Haematoxylin & Eosin, original magnification: x20; inset: x300; b: Immunohistochemistry with DAB chromogen, using monoclonal antibody (clone MX007, Master Diagnostica; x20; inset: x300).