Case Report

Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy Complicating Retinal Laser in Quiescent Uveitis

Figure 3

Fundus fluorescein angiogram (55°) of right eye (a, b) and left eye (e). Indocyanine green angiography (ICGA) of right eye (55° c, 30° d) and left eye (f). The branching vascular network (BVN, white arrows) and terminal hyperfluorescent polyps (white arrowheads) were clearly visible on ICGA. These also demonstrated a characteristic hypofluorescent halo. Note that the BVN originates from a hypofluorescent laser scar ( in c and d). FFA of the right eye revealed macular ischaemia. FFA and ICGA of the left eye were normal.