Case Report

A Case of Chorioretinitis with Retinal Angiomatous Proliferation

Figure 4

Comparation of lesions before and after the treatment of anti-VEGF. (a, b) The color fundus photograph of the right eye before and after treatment. (a) The lesions have obscure boundaries and are surrounded with hemorrhages. (b) The yellow-white lesions in the macular and inferonasal peripheral retina. Retina were well-demarcated and shrunk, hemorrhage was absorbed, and exudation around the optic nerve reduced significantly. (c, d) The OCT images of RAP before and after treatment: (c) intra- and subretinal fluids were increased; (d) sub- and intraretinal fluids were partly absorbed, and central retinal thickness was reduced from 841 μm to 690 μm.