Case Report

A New Rapidly Growing Dome-Shaped Choroidal Lesion in an Eye with Treated Retinoblastoma

Figure 1

Fundus photograph of the right eye after 16 sessions of systemic chemotherapy demonstrating significant response to treatment (a). In the left eye, fundus photograph shows multiple chorioretinal scars with scattered calcified vitreous seeds (b). Four months later, fundus pictures revealed a dome-shaped yellowish mass with overlying serous retinal detachment in the left eye (c). Two weeks later, there was significant lesion growth (d). Left eye B-scan ultrasonography reveals a huge underlying choroidal mass measuring without any highly reflective foci (e). Photomicrograph of globe lesion, in lower magnification, shows massive choroidal invasion invading the whole thickness of the choroid which extended to the sclera (hematoxylin-eosin, ×40) (f).