Case Report

Intravitreal Aflibercept as a Rescue Therapy for Retinal Neovascularization and Macular Edema due to Eales Disease

Figure 2

(a) FA showed vascular tortuosity, peripheral retinal NV, and ME. (b) Persistent ME after periocular depot triamcinolone acetonide injection (central foveal thickness 538 μm). (c) After the first intravitreal aflibercept injection, the retinal NV regressed. (d) ME also subsided (central foveal thickness 309 μm). (e) ME recurred after 3 months (central foveal thickness 438 μm). (f) Intravitreal aflibercept injections had to be performed every three months to keep macula free from edema (central foveal thickness 295 μm).