Case Report

Paracentral Acute Middle Maculopathy and Central Retinal Venous Occlusion following Electrical Injury

Figure 1

Color fundus photography (CFP) and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) of the right eye (a, c) and the left eye (b, d) at presentation. CFP of the RE (a) shows mild venous engorgement and widespread peripheral retinal hemorrhages located in all 4 quadrants and multiple small areas of pale retina in the macula. CFP of the left eye LE (b) does not show any retinal abnormalities. SD-OCT scan of the macula of the RE (c) shows hyperreflective band-like lesions in the middle retinal layers of the macula (arrows) of the RE and no abnormalities at the macula of the LE (d).