Case Series

Gonioscopy-Assisted Transluminal Trabeculotomy following Failed Glaucoma Surgery in Primary Congenital Glaucoma: One-Year Results

Table 1

Baseline and postoperative clinical information of the whole cohort.

EyesGenderAge at time of GATTPreoperative cup-to-disc ratioPrevious glaucoma surgeriesLateralityPreoperative IOP (mmHg)Preoperative glaucoma medicationsPreoperative VA (in decimals)Extent of GATTIOP at final follow-up (mmHg)Glaucoma medications at final follow-upDuration of follow-up (months)Final VA (in decimals)

#1M10 years0.9Unknown glaucoma surgery at age of 6 months, 2 Ahmed GDD, and CPCLeft241HMGP27010113.6HMGP
#2M5 years0.8Ab-externo 180 trabeculotomyRight360F&F360120120.4
#3F3 years0.5Unknown glaucoma surgery at the age of 10 months at OH (? goniotomy)Right280F&F30011014.9F&F
#4F1 year and 5 months0.7Trabeculectomy at OHRight282F&F36012024.1F&F
#5M6 years0.3Trabeculectomy at OHRight1630.236010013.40.5
#6M6 years0.3Trabeculectomy at OHLeft2030.336014013.40.7
#7M5 years0.8GoniotomyLeft282F&F36012019.10.15

GATT: gonioscopy-assisted transluminal gonioscopy; IOP: intraocular pressure; GDD: glaucoma drainage device; CPC: cyclophotocoagulation; OH: outside hospital; M: male; F: female; VA: visual acuity; HMGP: hand motion good projection; F&F: fix and follow.